Wednesday, November 10, 2010


David Wood comes as a guest writer and talks about his straight edge varsity jacket!

My sister got me this coat for Christmas in 2007. She got it blank so I could customize it however I wanted. It's a real varsity jacket. Heavy, real wool, real leather sleeves, warm as hell. So, not vegan friendly. I took it to our local sports store in Richmond to get the letters sewn on it summer 08. I got double lettering on it like an authentic sports jersey. The store I took it to makes a lot of varsity jackets, basketball jerseys, football jerseys, trophies, etc for all the local high-school and youth league sports teams.  My old one that was seen on many Down To Nothing stages across the world was passed down to me my senior year of high-school from a good friend. So when I got this new one, I passed the old one down to yet another young edge-men, a close friend, Courtnay Midkiff aka The Smacman.

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